第4节 第二阶段 第二部分

❤️💕💕记录sealosopen in new window开源项目的学习过程。k8s,docker和云原生的学习open in new window。Myblog:http://nsddd.topopen in new window



  • go test
  • k3s / helm / K3s rootfs / docs / source codes /
  • fabric
  • spring boot – dockerfile


3293172751open in new window commented 2 days agoopen in new window

k3s - githubopen in new window,I wonder if I need a tutorial on k3s.ioopen in new window,what should I pay attention to when I use it❓ Do I need to write the functions next to k8s to keep them together, or separate❓ @fanuxopen in new window

sealos run k0s:latest --masters xxx --nodes xxxx --passwd xxxx

cuisongliuopen in new window commented yesterdayopen in new window

k3s - githubopen in new window,I wonder if I need a tutorial on k3s.ioopen in new window,what should I pay attention to when I use it❓ Do I need to write the functions next to k8s to keep them together, or separate❓

  1. runtime interface need spilt kubeadm and k3s
  2. k3s rootfs


controllers v:go1.18

cluster # 专门管理aws上k8s生命周期

ClusterSpec defines the desired state of InfraMetadata

rootfs runtime design

k3s rootfs

goolang 编译时会打包所有的依赖,每个独立的 binary 都会有独立的运行时支持

k3s把所有的依赖都编译在一个 binary 中,所有的程序 一份运行时

借鉴 rootfs (linux) 基于 buildrootopen in new window 构建的 busybox rootfs

参考 rancher/k3s-rootopen in new window 所有的k3s 构建的 binary 都放在此处


make Runtime module more readable

  1. k0s runtime
  2. k3s runtime
  3. k8s runtime


  1. util_test.go file
  2. implement runtime interface
  3. k3s runtime

implement runtime interface:

runtime module list:

# runtime
+ kubernets
	- kubeconfig.go  # 
	- master.go
	- node.go
	- registry.go
	- reset.go
	- runtime_getter.go
	- runtime.go
	- static_files.go
	- token.go
	- update_cert.go
	- utils.go
+ k3s
	- add.go
	- delete.go
	- reset.go 
	- update.go
	- token.go
+ k0s

k3s rootfs design:

init sealos –> Clusterfile file


root directory: /

  • rootfs make build

  • rootfs interface


How should rootfs build it?

bin  cri  etc  images  Kubefile  opt  README.md  registry  scripts  statics
+ /bin
+ /etc
+ /images
+ /scripts
+ /tmp
+ /lib
+ /run
+ /var

为什么有些 merged 是空的

k3d :要使用 Docker,rancher/k3s还可以使用镜像来运行 K3s 服务器和代理。使用docker run命令:

sealos run ranchar/k3s

sudo docker run \
  -d --tmpfs /run \
  --tmpfs /var/run \
  -e K3S_URL=${SERVER_URL} \
  --privileged rancher/k3s:vX.Y.Z

the runtime module of k3s:


  • init方法
  • SyncNodeIPVS 方法
  • Init ⚠️
  • SyncNodeIPVS ⚠️


使用sealos run docker.io/rancher/k3s?

build k3s images ?

kubernetes 的构建方式

  1. helmopen in new window
  2. sealos run ? -> merged(rootfs)

A simple question:

  1. 离线环境也需要 sealos ?

  2. 项目测试环境~(断点、单元测试、测试用例)


    centos / ubuntu(内存不够)


I need solutions:

repeat images(auto cleaning)?



sealos 会下载镜像列表中的镜像并缓存到 registry 目录。

目录必须形如 images/shim/[your image list filename]

$ cat images/shim/nginxImages

sealos 在构建的时候会自动添加镜像列表中的镜像依赖到集群镜像中,通过神奇的方式保存了里面依赖的 Docker 镜像。 并且在到别的环境中运行的时候更神奇的自动检测集群中想是否的 Docker 镜像,有的话自动下载,没有的话才会去 k8s.gcr.io 下载。 用户无需修改 helm chart 中的 docker 镜像地址,这里用到了镜像缓存代理的黑科技。

web :https://k8s.gcr.io/v2/ ?

**pull images registry❓ **

$ sealos login docker.io
$ sealos push docker.io/fanux/ingress-nginx:v1.2.0

sealos life cycle :pod

sealos run == apply (pod / Deployment)

except /var/lib/,anything else?

My questions, suggestions?

sealos && docker : Invest time in docker source code (kubernetes; k3s ….)

linux operating system source code


  • Advice to developers (me)

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